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The most common mounts are kips onto the low bar or kips off of a springboard onto the high bar. The other skills making up the rest of the routine are based on what level the gymnast is in. The most common dismounts are backwards flyaways, toe fronts, and front flyaways, but most gymnasts do backwards flyaways.​

Leaps, jumps, turns, holds, and acrobatic moves can be performed on beam. Every gymnast must do at least one turn during her beam routine. A gymnast must have a 180 degrees split during a split jump or split leap to not get any deductions. The other skills performed will depend on what level the gymnast is in.

Gymnasts do two or more tumbling passes during their floor routine and the hardest tumbling pass is usually done first so the gymnast wouldn’t be too tired to do it if it would be put at the end of her routine. Dance moves are kind of like the moves done on beam. Tumbling passes and other skills are based on what level the gymnast is in.​

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